Why Hire NECA 665?
When you hire a NECA contractor, who in turns employs IBEW electricians, you're getting the most highly trained workforce available for your project.
IBEW 665 and NECA train union electricians to the highest possible standards of quality and safety at no cost to taxpayers.
The union apprentice program guarantees apprentices successfully complete more than 40 hours of safety training, including 30 hours of federally approved training, just within the first year of apprenticeship.
If a nonunion contractor doesn’t participate in a registered apprenticeship program, they can’t make that guarantee.

Additional Union Benefits:
Union electrical contractors guarantee equal pay for women and minority employees.
Union electrical contractors provide superior safety training and on-the-job supervision, which means buildings built by union contractors, are safer for the people who live and work in them.
Union electrical contractors provide their employees, who live in your community, better wages, healthcare, and retirement benefits.
Union electrical contractors employ people who predominately live in your community. These employees in turn support local schools and businesses.